We only have three more hunting days left in this season to hunt and they are calling for 100% rain on one of those. Got a call last night from an A-Team member asking if I could hunt today and I said,"DUH HUH", what time and where. He had a potential client he wanted to take that had never been crow hunting. We meet and went over all the rule of engagement and it was game on. Funny, the first stand this guy ask me "what are you shooting at?" There was crows falling all around him and he hasn't seen one yet. It took him awhile to figure out that you have to shoot them where they are going to be, not where they are, in our pine thickets. He had a blast as we finally moved from our traditional R-N-G to a field set-up, where he could finally see out over the honey suckle vines. He has experience with sporting clays so he knows how to shoot, but as he found out, there is nothing on the planet that can do what a crow can do in flight. He made some nice shots as the day went on before rain ran us out of the field. Two things are going on at this hour, 1. He is a tired man 2. He is still talking about it. I can see it now, his wife is saying you did WHAT?, who is the A-TEAM? TBC for the day 98.
Great report Gary.... I totally know what you mean about shoot them where they will be... they fly over cover where you lose sight of them so you track them with muscle memory and blast them as soon as they break cover..