This is the field at the back of my house. Nearly everyday since it was harvested its had crows on it. Today aren't many compared to normal, as its raining hard. The crows continue to the left behind the trees and to the right behind the building, about 100 yards each side
Also behind the hill will probably be another 100 or so.
They just love this field, although when it was sewn they didn't like it, but as soon as it was harvested you can't get them off it. I generally get 30-40 a Day off here, and have another field they like as much if not better, where I get 170-200 a day
some cracking bags of birds you get mate, and hope the weather dries up a bit for you, i know on 'field sports britain' they had Mark Gilchrist who had a holiday in ireland shooting crows and they several hundered while they were there, i think they were shooting on fields that had just been slurried, there seem to be a good population of crows in ireland, the most ive ever had in one day is 106, but i average about 2000 pigeons and crows in a season, when i started on the pigfarm shooting you could get 50-60 every trip but they soon wised up, and i condsider 20 crows a good trip now, just cant wait till the weather turns more colder to get those pigeons and crows diving in to the decoys cheers.
Just hoping it hurries up and freezes, the the farmers can plant the winter crops, and I can also drive on the fields instead of sinking past my axles everytime
Here its always raining heavy lol. S the crows fly, although the pigeons try to avoid the rain. Out jis morning (field black every day this week) and got 4 birds, then missed the fifth, then nothing, not a bird flying, so come n for a cuppa, then will go out for another hour
Well, got up at 5:00 this morning, and was raining and blowing hard, so went back to bed. Got up a few hours later and the sun was shining with not a bird to be seen. About another hour and about 30-40 birds were on the field, but right in the middle. Soon as I opened my back door they were up and away to pastures new. Too much food about at the moment, roll on hard frosts, then they will he easy to decoy